cea mai buna reluare este insa a Paulei Fernandes
sâmbătă, 3 octombrie 2009
linkin park-live-dust in the wind
o mina de ajutor la slefuirea diamantului a dat-o chiar foarte bime
linkin park-live-dust in the wind
Scorpions- Dust In The Wind (Acoustic version)
dar slefuirea a dat-o altcineva acestui diamant deosebit
Scorpion si o romanca
Kansas - Dust in the wind 1977
Iata si piesa in forma ei originala (banda sonora este chiar originalul);iata si versurile:
I close my eyes
only for a moment
and the moments gone
all my dreams
pass before my eyes in curiosity
dust in the wind,
all they are is dust in the wind
Same old song,
just a drop of water
in an endless sea
all we do,
crumbles to the ground
though we refuse to see
dust in the wind,
all we are is dust in the wind
Don't hang on
nothing lasts forever
but the earth and sky
it slips away
and all your money,
won't another minute buy
Dust in the wind
all we are is dust in the wind
dust in the wind
everithing is dust in the wind
dust in the wind
kansas - live whisky (Carry On Wayward Son )
De Kansas numai de bine...dar sa ne intoarcem la povestea noastra
richie kotzen - cath up to me
Nu sunt fan al acestei trupe dar piesa aceasta este de calitate;voi mai avea de povestit multe despre ei in viitor,sunt convins
George Enescu - Rapsodia Romana (op.2)
Romanian Rhapsody George Enescu - Original: equinoxue He was born in the village of Liveni, Romania (Doroh... He was born in the village of Liveni, Romania (Dorohoi County at the time, today Botoş...
vineri, 2 octombrie 2009
Rock the H O U S E ! Mr Rossi - DJmag MicroMix
Mr Rossi So. CALIFORNIA, USA HOUSE MUZIK Pushing the Limits in Every Way Possible! Tracklist 1: Mr Rossi - Honey Inside : unreleased 2: Olav Basoski - George : RTZ024 3: Fedde le Grand - Put you...
DJmag - James Zabiela DJ Tricks - 01
Here's James Zabiela showing exactly how to do the tricks he uses on his DJ mixes.

INTR-UN ARTICOL AL LUI CRISTIAN PATRASCONIU,acesta face trimitere si explica semnificatiile "miscarii pentru rezistenta",care, citez :Scopurile sint, ca sa zic asa, nobile: “o încercare onestă, chiar disperată de a readuce în România bunul simţ, moralitatea, educaţia, corectitudinea şi excelenţa”;
s-a adus vorbirea si despre asa zisii "cintareti la Laptop" -vreau sa fac o rectificarela asa zisii"ARTISTI"
ma detasez de acest punct de vedere al segmentului numai pentru simplu fapt ca sunt fan al acestui curent dar probabil nu acela la care se face referire;este un futurestream music si cu toate ca suntem obisnuiti nu trebuie sa dam cu bita ;
voi fi concret :dar am sa las un cunoscut de-al meu sa va vorbeasca:
Kansas-Dust in the Wind
"Dust in the Wind" is a hit single released by the American progressive rock band Kansas in 1977. It peaked at #6 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart the week of February 18, 1978, making it Kansas' only top ten Billboard Hot 100 charting single. Written by Kerry Livgren, it was one of the band's first acoustic tracks; its slow melody and melancholy lyrics differ from their other hits, such as "Carry On Wayward Son" and "The Wall". The song's instrumental bridge contains a distinctive and highly memorable melodic line for solo viola played by Robby Steinhardt.
Hi, everyone, welcome to another awesome episode of TOP 10 BEST OF TRANCE this month we focus on JANUARY in 2009, please leave a comment or a 1 to 5 ranking tick if you wish. I hope you enjoy my to...
miercuri, 30 septembrie 2009
luni, 28 septembrie 2009
Linkin Park - "New Divide"
The official music video for New Divide, filmed on the set of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, directed by Joe Hahn. Get the song at iTunes now. The soundtrack from the film is in stores 6/23.
Black Eyed Peas - I Gotta Feeling
The E.N.D. available 06.09.09 Target deluxe edition: http://www.target.com/Black... Listen to the exclusive Target tracks at Imeem: http://www.imeem.com/blacke...